The Numbat Technology

Here you can learn more about the Numbat technology, what exactly is behind our multifunctional product and how the Numbat convinces in the areas of High-Power Charging, energy management and digital out of home. The focus always remains on the topic of sustainability.

Numbat mit Bäumen
Electrical charging
Simply multifunctional

The Numbat is a versatile and efficient solution for utilizing renewable energy in buildings and for e-mobility. It serves as a charging station, battery storage, energy management system, and even an advertising platform. This multifunctional device stores and supplies electricity, charges electric cars, and promotes sustainable energy management. Choose the Numbat for a better, more sustainable future.

E-mobility made easy - Arrive - Charge - Leave

You can charge your e-car in just 15 to 20 minutes with up to 300 kW, depending on the battery. There are two charging points available, so two cars can charge at the same time, each receiving up to 150 kW. This is made possible through Numbat’s High-Power Charging technology, making electric vehicle charging simple and convenient.

Installed in no time - Small effort, big benefit

The Numbat seamlessly connects to your existing house connection without requiring a medium-voltage connection or transformer station, which means avoiding costly construction work. It boasts a 200 kWh battery capacity that can store electricity from renewable sources. The stored electricity can be used to power electric cars or be delivered to your company. Starting up with charging and electricity storage has never been easier.

Cutting costs - Peak Shaving helps to save money

The price of electricity is greatly affected by peak loads in consumption, which in turn increase costs. To address this issue, the Numbat offers peak shaving by supplying electricity from battery storage during times of exceptionally high energy demand. This helps achieve even power consumption and ultimately saves costs. Therefore, it can be said that green energy equals cheaper costs.

Sun, water, wind - renewable energies for your Premises and E-mobility

The building’s photovoltaic systems can store electricity in the Numbat and charge electric cars. Additionally, excess electricity stored in the Numbat can be used to power the building. Even without a PV system, the Numbat solely relies on renewable energy sources like wind, water, and sun from the surrounding area. Our electricity is environmentally friendly.

Multi-Lifecycle - a long life for every cell

The Numbat’s batteries remain powerful for a long time thanks to its patented multi-lifecycle principle. Weaker batteries are recycled to ensure long battery life. If a battery’s performance drops below a certain value, the lowest cells are replaced, rejuvenating the battery. This results in both long battery life and the conservation of valuable resources, allowing us to save through reprocessing.

Sustainable Advertising - EV-DOOH

Our two 75-inch screens are highly noticeable and strategically placed in busy car parks and near point-of-sale locations, ensuring that your advertising message reaches its intended audience. Our EV-DOOH (Electric Vehicle Digital out of Home) digital outdoor advertising is the only way to guarantee that your message is displayed where purchasing decisions are made. We take pride in combining green energy with attractive messages for maximum impact.

You want to know more? No problem!

The following page explains the advantages of the Numbat in more detail:

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