Digital-out-of-Home (DOOH)

Our DOOH department takes care of the technical operation of the advertising network, planning and coordination with the specialist departments, as well as all marketing issues relating to the screens. The aim is to utilise the frequencies at the locations and support Numbat’s growth by selling advertising in a high-quality environment.

Signature Projects & Milestones

We are pioneers in the EV-DOOH sector and define this term for Numbat. Our unique positioning at the point of sale makes us stand out. Our exciting journey started with market research studies on reach, and today we can proudly say that we can bring DOOH to every corner of the country. Our model is based on close co-operation with established partners in the regions. We also have a direct sales organisation that is supported by various tools and marketing measures and enables us to successfully market our assets at all times. National and programmatic approaches are of course also part of our repertoire. We also take care of the smooth operation of our media assets. We monitor them continuously and use our content management system to ensure dynamic and optimised playout.

Reach study

The market research institute GIM conducted a comprehensive study for Numbat. In particular, the reach and contact values were calculated for each location. Numbat can create certified offers based on the results of this study.

EV-DOOH market leader

As the pioneer of digital outdoor advertising at charging stations for electric cars, we have secured our place at the forefront of this innovative DOOH medium. Our campaigns with national and international brands already prove this.

Establishment of direct sales

We have set up a direct sales team within the DOOH department to ensure that the screens on the Numbats are continuously filled with exciting content. Our sales staff use various tools to successfully market our assets and continue to be supported by marketing measures.

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